Educational activities for children aged 0-3 years with parents in the Montessori environment.

Classes are held together with the parent, that allows baby to feel comfortable in the group, contribute to the harmonious development of the child, help him actively develop speech and social skills.

The duration of the lesson is 1.5 hours. Number of children in the group: 8 people.

Each lesson includes:

  1. Free activity in the Montessori environment for 60 minutes.

Individual work in the Montessori environment, aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. Montessori environment is a well-organized space filled with didactic materials, aimed at the development of fine motor skills and self-service skills, language, sensory skills, coordination of movements and a sense of order.

  1. Musical lesson in English for about 15-30 minutes.

Group work, where children and their parents sing, dance, play finger games.

  1. Snack.

Opportunity to have a snack before the trip back home.

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Practical life activities offer the children active participation and collaboration in the aspects of care of self and care of the environment, and preparation of food.


The child is fully immersed in an English language environment - all the activites the child engages in become a language lesson, because the child absorbs the language he hears.


Coordination of hand movements is essential for building intelligence. Maria Montessori called the hand of the child “the second brain”.


In the movement area the children learn how their bodies work.
The more the child moves, the more connections neurons make in the brain, so movement makes your child smarter!


Art and music help to integrate both parts of the brain.

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